Friday, November 15, 2013

Playstation 4 probably better to wait

Okay so today will be the first day that the ps4 will be available for purchase to the general public. Well as most of you know I've been a gamer for the last 25 years. Starting with the original nes and never stopping. However did I wait in line at midnight freezing my balls off waiting for the midnight release of the system. The answer is hell fucking no. 

Now why wouldn't I want one. Well a I do but trust me from years of experience the first generation of any advanced console is always fraught with bugs. Does anyone remember the xbox 360 disaster and hell even the ps3 problems. The first generation of those consoles gave their owners more headaches then systems should. Hell games can give their owners headaches but not the fucking system itself for shitty software. 

So basically I wait until the system's software has been fixed the insane rush is over and I can just waltz in and buy one. Anyway that's just my thought I'm content to sit and wait a bit

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Yes it is BACK!!!!! Warcorpse's Blog

Jesus tap dancing Christ it's been a while since I've done one of these. Well with the new shows, ranting, painting and fiction writing I guess this little blog has been sorely neglected. Well no longer I'm not going to treat this the way that Kate Middelton should be treated. Like the step child locked in the attic so every Saturday and Wednesday I'll write a few words about shit that's pissing me off. No these won't be thoroughly researched mother fucking masterpieces Is anything I do all that well researched. Like anything I'll just give my opinion and that's all as raw and pissed off as you've come to expect. So let's think what's pissing me off today...

Oh wait I know guess what's on every fucking magazine including it's own special issue. Kate Middelton's fucking baby. I've said this a thousand times and this time I'll shit on the prince to. What in the fuck have these two jerk offs done to deserve our adoration. WHAT! All these two silver dildo up their ass mother fuckers did was have sex and make a baby. That's not a fucking accomplishment. Hell some piece of trash that's living off society has made 8 by the time's she's 29 does she get a fucking cover story. 

So why all this attention being paid to Kate and Will but more so on Kate. Well to answer that I don't have the first fucking clue. She's not a scientist, doctor, not doing anything to help the world, she's not a writer or actor. Hell she's not even entertaining. There's not even a leaked sex tape with her and another chick floating around so why the fuck do we care especially in this country about that bitch from across the pond. 

Has everyone in America have fucking amnesia? Did we all forget that chapter on American history where we pissed down that monarchy's fucking throat. I mean I know that here in America we have our share of worthless piece of trash people that are famous Kim Kardashian springs to mind. (However I think we at least got a sex tape with her) Like Kate Middelton she got her claim to fame through nothing more then sucking enough cock but really can Britain keep their own trash reality star. 

So to all my fellow Americans can you please remember this chick's only claim to fame is giving so fucker named Willy a blow-job and fucking forget she exists. 

How and don't forget to follow me on Youtube